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303 South Battleground Avenue
Kings Mountain, NC, 28086
United States

(704) 750-4279

Opening Spring of 2018 Serving the Carolinas through specific chiropractic adjustments by locating, analyzing, and correcting vertebral subluxations. Who should have their spine checked? Everyone!! We love checking spines of all shapes and sizes. Instagram @alignchiropracticnc Twitter @alignchironc

Common Secondary Conditions


Common Secondary Conditions

Once a structural shift is present and disrupting the action of the spinal nerves and spinal cord, it can create many different secondary conditions or symptoms. The reason these are called secondary conditions is because they are a result of the primary structural shift, or the underlying cause. The location of the structural shift and where the nerves are being disrupted will give us an idea about your secondary conditions. Some of these include:


  • Arm Pain (Upper & Lower)

  • Asymmetry (Ex: Low Shoulder or High Hip)

  • Blood Pressure (High and Low)

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Cervical Myelopathy

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Colic

  • Concussion Related Symptoms

  • Degenerative Conditions

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Digestive Conditions

  • Disc Herniation/Pinched Nerves

  • Dizziness/Vertigo

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Issues Latching

  • Low Back Pain

  • Mid-Back Pain

  • Migraine Headaches

  • Neck Pain

  • Nerve Impingement Syndrome (Pinched Nerve)

  • Numbness/Tingling (Arms/Hands)

  • PCS (Post Concussion Syndrome)

  • Posture-Related Issues (Including Poor Appearance)

  • Scoliosis

  • Spinal Canal Stenosis

  • Strength-Related Issues (Decreased Grip Strength)

  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

  • TMJ

  • Torticollis

If you or someone you know are suffering from one or more of these secondary conditions please visit us for a complementary consultation today.